The Constitution

The club shall be known as
"The Orchard Woodturners Club"

The object of the club is the furtherance of the art and craft of woodturning and the mutual encouragement and support of its members.

 1.  Membership shall be open to anyone who is actively engaged and interested in woodturning. Acceptance of application is solely at the discretion of the Committee.

 2.  The administration of the club shall be in the hands of the Committee which shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and four members.

 3.  The Officers and Committee shall be elected by the members of the club and shall hold office for one year.

 4.  Elections shall be by a majority vote.

 5.  Elections shall be held during the Annual General Meeting, which shall take place at the January meeting.

 6.  The Treasurer will present the accounts for the previous year at the A.G.M.

 7.  The annual subscription will be reviewed each September and the Treasurer will advise the Committee if changes are necessary.

 8.  All Major decisions must have the aproval of the membership by a majority vote

 9.  Members using the club premises shall at all times show care and consideration and observe all safety rules.

10.  After use, the premises, machines and tools shall be left in a clean and safe condition.

11.  Any problems with machines and tools should be reported to a member of the Committee.

12.  Any non-observance of the above rules should be reported to the Secretary in writing.

13.  Members shall be kept informed of all major decisions by means of a Newsletter which will be published monthly.

14.  In the event of the club closing down, any remaining assets after clearance of all debts, will be divided equally amongst all paid up members at that time.